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"Mark was phenomenal he found us exactly what we were looking for."

The Patterson's needed to purchase their Grand Rapids home sight unseen and were able to with the help of Mark Brace. The rest is history.

Read Dan & Audrey Patterson's story about their experience with Mark Brace and what advice they have for you.


The Patterson's were in the process of moving back to Grand Rapids from California three years ago. They were looking for a home in the Forest Hills school district, where their two young children could attend school in the future, and a place that had investment potential yet liveable right away. All while purchasing their home sight unseen halfway across the country. Mark was able to find them an older home with great bones in their desired area of town and this is where they reside today. Since then with Mark as their agent, they have continued to purchase other investment properties including the purchase and flip of a condo in Grand Rapids. 

Why Mark Brace?

Mark was a friend of a friend through Audrey who was from Grand Rapids and still had a few connections there. One of Audrey's old friends pointed them in Mark's direction. The couple called Mark and he worked sun up to sun down making sure he could walk them through the buying process. Mark filmed little video walkthroughs to send to the couple from afar in California. He would also give an analysis of the homes to the couple while they were evaluating the options remotely.

"Mark continually earns your trust."

What Stuck Out To You?

Dan explained that homes built in Grand Rapids, Michigan were different than those he was familiar with in California. He wasn't super knowledgeable about the home structures in the area and what to look for when purchasing. Mark helped by pointing out a lot of things that could become potential concerns in the future. While Mark wasn't an inspector he helped their family weed through the selection of homes they were considering. 

How Was Mark Brace Different?

Dan described Mark as outgoing, hardworking and there for you at the drop of a hat. Dan is in law enforcement and while he isn't prone to trust people immediately, Mark is 100% genuine and Dan trusts him completely.

Dan's Advice to You

If you're considering buying your home, my advice would be to 

Think about LOCATION. There are a million homes that are similar to any other but if you focus on location, those hold resale value in the future. If you have questions use a realtor. I would refer them to Mark.

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